industry has acronyms that can seem foreign and confusing when first learning
about it. Below is a quick cheat sheet of common eLearning acronyms and what
they mean.
1.) AI- Artificial
intelligence. Can be used in eLearning to
recommend learning for an individual. Many LXP systems have this.
2.) API- Application
Programming Interface. A software intermediary that allows two
applications to talk to each other.
3.) CSS - Cascading
Style Sheets. A programming language is often
used to modify the theme of a learning platform.
4.) ILT (Instructor-Led Training) - When
an instructor facilitates a training session for a group of learners or an
5.) LMS-
Learning Management System. Software used to manage the eLearning
process. Includes the ability to track and report on learner progress.
6.) LXP-
Learning Experience Platform. Encourages knowledge sharing
and social learning across the organization. Often uses Artificial intelligence
to suggest learning.
7.) SAAS-
Software As A Service. A method of software delivery and licensing
in which software is accessed online via a subscription, rather than bought and
installed on individual computers.
8.) SCORM- Sharable
Content Object Reference Model.
SCORM is a file format that can be read by most major LMS (Learning
Management Systems) Systems. It often includes quiz questions, animations,
voiceovers, videos, and other content. Typically, it is made in third-party
software programs such as Articulate Storyline, Lectora, Adobe Captivate, or Adapt.
9.) SME-
Subject Matter Expert - A domain expert who provides input for the
development of a formal eLearning course.
10.) UI- User Interface. The end-user experience using the platform. The graphical
interface of an application.
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