Insert a button and name it btn_1
Add a Motion Path with a vertical line that ends about about 5-10 pixels above the current position of the button (this is where the button will move to once the user hovers over the button) and rename this “btn_1_slide”
Change the Duration of the the Motion Path btn_1_slide to 0.45 seconds
Click edit state and remove the “hover” state
Add a new state called “move”
In the Trigger Menu create two new triggers with these settings:
Trigger 1: Change State of btn_1to move when the mouse hovers over btn_1 (make sure that “restore to previous state when the user hovers out” is checked as well)
Trigger 2: Move btn_1 along btn_1_slide when the mouse hovers over btn_1
Make sure that Trigger 2 is below Trigger 1 in the Trigger Menu
Note: You may also want to change the state of btn_1 “move” to a lighter color in order to help your button stand out even more.
For those of you wondering why I didn’t just use the “hover” state instead of creating a new state. I did this because as of this writing the animation was not properly functioning unless I created a new state.
Created by Seth Wickham, Course Designer, eClass4learning
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